SWORDS FOX Triangle 72V 18AH Li-ion Battery 72V 18.2AH Ebike Battery 72V 2000W Electric Bike Battery with 30A BMS 2/5A Charger Note: 30A BMS suitable motor: 72V 250W--2000W 40A BMS suitable motor: 72v 250w -2500w 50A BMS suitable motor: 72V 250W--3000W Specification: Battery Model 72v 18ah Nominal Voltage (V) 72v Nominal Capacity (AH) 18.2ah Source Resistance (mΩ) about 40 Cell Specification 3.7V 2.6AH Cell Combination 7-parallel 20-series Cell Size for brand18650 cell Cell Quantity (parallel*series) 140pcs Discharge Cutoff Voltage (V) 60+/- 1V Charge Cutoff Voltage (V) 84v Rated Discharge Current (A) 30A instantaneous Maximum Discharge Current (A) 90A Maximum Continuous Discharge Current (A) 30A Maximum Continuous Charge Current (A) 10A Charge Mode CC-CV Standard Charge Current (A) 2A Charge Time under Standard Charge Current 9hours Fast Charge Current (A) 5A Charge Time under Fast Charge Current 3.5hours Charge Temperature Range -20-55°C Cell Size (L*W*T ) size:350*310*200*90*70*50mm Battery Weight About 6.5KG Battery Power 1500W Feature: 1. Cells -A grade cellsto make sure batteries inhigh and full capacity 2. Protection -Dual IC chips, that can anti-short circuit, anti-over charger, anti-over current, anti-overload 3. Compose Type : Injection Technology tomake battery more stable. 4. Certifications : CE,UL,FCC, RoHS, ISO9001 5. Long life cycle, No memory, environment friendly. Real 72V 18.2Ah high drain ebike battery ,excellen performance used in 250W ,350W , 500W ,750W, 2000W 1500W motor ebike . Battery Parameters Voltage: 72Volts Capacity: 18.2 Amp Hours Charging Voltage: 84 Volts Charging Current: <10 30="" 6.5kg="" 90="" amperage:="" amps="" continuous="" current:="" discharge="" discharging:="" discharging="" lifecycle="" max="" of="" pack:="" peak="" rated="" the="" weight:about="" whole="">85% capacity after 800 cycles. Lifecycle of single cell: >85% capacity after 1200 cycles, >70% capacity after 2000 cycles. (<1c -="" 1.="" 10.="" 100-240v="" 1000="" 100="" 11.="" 12.="" 15="" 18.2ah="" 2.0a="" 2.="" 2000="" 240v="" 250="" 2="" 3.="" 4.="" 4.triangle="" 5.="" 50="" 6.="" 7.="" 72v="" 7="" 7days="" 8.="" 800="" 84.0v="" 9.="" :="" a="" about="" according="" achieving="" acid="" addition="" advantage="" advantages:="" aerospace="" after="" aircraft="" aliexpress="" all="" alloy="" almost="" alt="Flash Deal SWORDS FOX Triangle 72V 18AH Li-ion Battery 72V 19AH Ebike Battery 72V 2000W 3000W Electric Bike Battery with 30A BMS 5A Charger 0" aluminum="" an="" and="" andevery="" answerany="" anti-over="" anti-overload="" anti-short="" any="" appearance="" applications.="" applications:="" applications="" applying="" aqueous="" are="" as="" asap="" assembly="" automotive="" available="" bag="" balance="" batteries="" battery.="" battery="" batterysupplier="" be="" been="" before="" best="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" board="" boat="" brand="" built-in="" bulk="" bus="" business="" buy="" by.="" by="" cadmium="" can="" capacity="" car="" care="" cars="" case="" cc="" ce="" cells="" certifications="" charge="" charger="" charging="" check="" chemistry="" china="" chips="" circuit="" class="img-fluid" cleanness="" cleared="" commercial="" committed="" commix="" common="" companyhas="" comparison="" compeletly="" compliant="" compose="" concerns="" configurations="" connect="" connecting="" connector:="" connectors="" consistency="" consumer="" contact="" contacting="" control="" cool="" correct="" cost-performance="" could="" countries="" current="" customers.="" customized="" cycle="" cycles="" days.="" days="" daysafter="" dc="" defense="" demanded="" density.="" density="" design="" develop="" devices="" directly="" discard="" discharge="" do="" does="" don="" drill="" dry="" dual="" due="" e-bike="" e-scooter="" e="" eedback="" effect="" effects="" electric="" electrical="" electrodes="" electronics.="" electronics="" emergency="" ems:item="" ems="" energy-to-weight="" energy="" environment="" equipment="" equivalent="" etc.="" every="" everything="" experience="" explodes="" extends="" f="" facilities="" factory="" fast="" fedex="" feedback="" fire="" flat="" for="" forklift="" free:="" free="" friendly.="" friendly="" from="" full="" function="" generation="" genuine="" gets="" golf="" good="" grade="" green="" growing="" guarantee="" hairpins="" has="" have="" heat="" heater.="" heater="" hesitate="" high="" hydride="" ic="" if="" img="" immerse="" in="" included:="" includes:="" industrial="" injection="" input="" instock.="" ion="" ions.="" is="" iso14001:2004="" iso9001:2001="" iso9001="" it="" item="" items="" its="" keep="" key="" kinds="" lamp="" large-scale="" large="" lawn="" lead="" leave="" left="" level="" li-ion="" li-ionbattery="" life:="" life="" light="" lighter.="" lighter="" lights="" lithium-ion="" lithium="" long="" loss="" maintenance="" make="" management="" manner="" manufacturer="" matter="" means="" medical="" memory="" message="" 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quality="" quantity="" question="" questions="" range="" rate="" ratio="" ratios="" reach="" real="" reason="" received.="" received="" rechargeable="" recharges="" recharging.="" refund="" registered.="" reliable="" remote="" replacement="" reply="" resistance="" resolution.="" resolve="" reverse="" rohs="" safe="" sale.="" satisfaction.="" satisfaction="" saw="" scientificmanagement="" scooter="" seawater="" secondary="" self="" send="" service="" several="" sharp="" shell="" ship="" shipped="" shipping="" short-circuit="" should="" sigma="" simplifying="" single="" six="" size="" slow="" small-scale="" small="" smanufacturing="" so="" solar="" solder="" soon="" source="" specifically="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1owBldRsmBKNjSZFFq6AT9VXaS.jpg" stable.="" stands="" still="" storage="" store="" stored="" strike="" strive="" structure="" such="" suggested.="" super="" superior="" sure="" surrounding="" system="" t="" tags="" tdis="" technology="" terminals.="" terminals="" tested="" testing.="" testing="" than="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" they="" through="" throw="" time.="" time="" timely="" times="" title="Flash Deal SWORDS FOX Triangle 72V 18AH Li-ion Battery 72V 19AH Ebike Battery 72V 2000W 3000W Electric Bike Battery with 30A BMS 5A Charger 0" tnt:item="" tnt="" to="" together="" tolerance="" tool:="" tools="" total="" tourist="" toys="" trample="" transaction="" transport="" transportation="" type:="" type="" types="" uitable="" ultra="" un="" up="" ups="" us.="" us="" use.="" use="" uses="" using="" vehicles:="" voltage="" warning="" warnings:="" water="" watt="" wattage="" we="" weight="" wheelchairs="" when="" where="" will="" willing="" wind="" with="" within2-4="" within4="" within6="" work="" working="" wrong="" you="" your="" zone="">1c>10>
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